Glitter House

I'm obsessed with glitter houses! Especially old vintage ones. I have a nice little collection of them, but I also thought it would be easy to make my own.  My mom ordered a bunch of cardboard houses from Hobby Lobby online. Sadly, there are Hobby Lobby stores in MN, but they are in the southern part of the state. One day I'll have to make a special trip down there! 

You can really do whatever you want with these houses. I painted mine first with acrylic paint and then sprinkled some mica snow flakes on them. I got  2 huge bags of Mica Snow Flakes off of Ebay last year. On the roof I painted glue on and then put a ton of glitter and snow flakes. 
I had some vintage glass balls I used on the wreath and trees. But really you can use anything you like!

Aqua Glitter House! 

Houses from Hobby Lobby. Trees, glitter, tinsel, and ball ornaments from Michaels.

Hobby Lobby houses (They come in a set of three, but I didn't photograph the largest one)

Martha Stewart Glitter from Michaels

My collection of Glitter Houses! 

Liked up at Design Dazzle!

Design Dazzle

The Shabby Nest

tatertots & jello


Kristina P. said…
Oh, those are so pretty!! You did a great job.
vmichelle said…
In shock and awe at the cuteness. You did awesome. I would totally have thought this was bought at some cutesy little boutique gift shop. Way to go!
i saw these at Hobby Lobby the other day and they were just begging me to take them home. i didn't but now i feel bad...i'm going back tomorrow!

merry christmas!
Anonymous said…
I love decorating those little houses at Hobby Lobby, especially for Christmas. I've shared a few tutorials on my blog for different ideas to decorate these houses if you need more inspiration.

I really like the addition of the tinsel to your house. So cute! You'll find making these houses is addictive once you get started on them!
Monica said…
Wow, these are so pretty! You did an awesome job! :o)
Unknown said…
so very cute! love it! thank you for linking up!

Anonymous said…
Love the little glitter houses and such....I was thinking of doing something similiar! Awww, Great minds.....

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