Merry Christmas!

My Christmas day goes a little something like this: Me running across the snow in my party dress to the barn to shut off the electric fence so my cousin Kyle can go out and shoot a pheasant. As I walked back from the barn, with the snow falling down, I had to stop and laugh, thankful for the moments of sheer randomness of family and the beauty of this day. The night before I had Christmas Eve at my parents house, and my aunt and uncle came over for dinner and gifts.Later that night Kelly and Kyle came over to crash so they could just be here for the festivities the next day. Christmas morning, Kyle's wish was to go out and shoot some clay pigeons, and of course he would need a launcher: ME! So we bundle up and made our way through the snow, me with a shot gun and Kyle with a box of clay pigeons. We walked through the fields over snow drifts and past the woods to reach the edge of my parents property. There, I shot a few and Kyle shot the rest. And due to my lack of proper wrist sna...