Parlez-vous Français?

Tonight I am taking Beginning French. I am tres excited! My boyfriend will be joining me too. (Well not this week, since he has tickets to Avenue. Q, sans Sabrina) So for six weeks we will be learning basic French. I took Spanish all throughout High School and College. But I always really wanted to take French. I am French, I love all things French, My favorite country to visit is France. I know a little bit of French to get me around France, but I want to know a little bit more. Oooh La la!


Kristina P. said…
Wi wi! (I have no idea if that's even right.)
K and/or K said…
We work for the DNR on those islands. Look out!
Heidi said…
I took French in high school and was able to use it quite a bit whilst conversing with a friend who spoke it well. I wish I hadn't let it slide (though my first reaction to the title of your blog was, "Mais, oui!") How fun and good for you!
iheartkiwi said…
i have always wanted to take french! kiwi and i honeymooned in paris and i wish i spoke the beautiful language.

i've always taken spanish classes too, but there is just something magical about french.
Erin said…
I am so excited for you!!! As you know, I got my degree in french and I love all things french. If you have any questions, just e-mail me!

(Oh, and I took a year of Spanish during college too, and my professor laughed at me: he told me he had never heard Spanish spoke with a French accent before. Good luck NOT getting them confused!)
i also took Spanish all through high school and always wanted to learn french. looks like i'll be learning german first! your memorial day weekend trip sounds fab!
vmichelle said…
Oui! Je parle un peu de francais. I used to know much more, but I need much more practice now! In high school I knew enough to occasionally dream in French - high school was very conversationally focused. Then in college, French classes were not so conversational and I found myself going backwards. Can't wait to hear about your class!
Sadako said…
Nice--I majored in it in college, so I heartily approve! Bonne chance!

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