This past weekend was so nice and relaxing. I think i ended up cancelling 5 plans with people to just chill at home. Sometimes you just need one of those weekends to do nothing. I wasn't feeling 100% either, so i just wanted to be home. I did have Kelly and Kyle over for dinner last night, I made Coconut Basil Chicken Curry and Cucumber-Feta Salad. Then we ate Chicken Dinner that Kelly made. YUM! Kyle suggested that we start having a once a month Stand-Up Comedy\Variety\Fun night. Where participants perform something silly to the amusements of the audience. This is going to be (h)Uge! Something along the lines of a His Mansion Family Night Variety Show! Ok, only a few people reading this will understand what that means, but were they not some of the best nights on the Hill????? Feel free to contact me about getting your act in the show.