
Showing posts from May 3, 2009

Turkey Lurkey

I have been convinced lately that none of my real life friends read my blog. Turns out my lurkers are my real life friends. How do I know this? Well yesterday I was hanging out and catching up with my pals from high school and they apparently knew everything that was going on in my life. How & Why? "We read your blog!" OH. Thanks guys! You are the best! I no longer have any site monitoring devices on my blog, I have no way of keeping track of where people are lurking from. But what I want to know is, I wonder how many others lurk on my blog? I love my lurkers by the way. So hello creepy friends! Lurk away. Also on a totally unrelated note, I have been having really weird dreams lately. I mean these babies would put the Sci-fi Channel to shame. I usually have very vivid and colorful and outrageous dreams, but lately they are INSANE!!!! I might have to start writing them down! They start out tame and by the end of the week, I'm growing chicken eggs inside my body. So to...