
Showing posts from June 1, 2011

Birth Story

So here is my story of planning a totally natural, drug free birth that turned into a completely medically intervened labor and how in the end i really am okay with it. Friday morning May 6, i had my ultrasound to measure how big the baby was growing. All along the ultrasounds were saying that he would be a big boy, anywhere from 9 t0 10lbs. So of course when we get there he measured in at 9lbs 4oz. My blood pressure was up and it was decided between the ultrasound doctor and my OB that i should head to the hospital to get things rolling. Now deep in my gut i had a feeling that the baby was not that big, so should have i waited to to let my body do its own thing and go into labor on it's own? Perhaps, but I headed to the hospital instead. As soon as we arrived they got me set up in a labor & delivery room where they planned on giving me Cervidil, in order to get my cervix nice and ripe for delivery. At that point i was only 1/2cen dilated, 75% effaced and the baby had not dro...