On Star to the Rescue!
I had this whole day planned out. Visions of early CUB foods shopping and thanksgiving cooking dancing in my head. I even woke up singing, "It's CUBalicious, I be over in the meat just looking for some fishes." ( I like fergie songs, with a twist) It was going to be a great day, no work, just putzing around getting ready for tomorrow. But sometimes your best laid out plans just don't work out. Life is general can be a lot like that. You plan your course, set sail, head north and then a storm comes, spins you around and before you know it you're heading south. That definitely seems to be the theme in my life. But I tend to look at it like this, Ok maybe I had my heart set on North, but God must have something better for me in the South... Today, I slept in until 8:30, and when you are used to getting up at 5:30... 8:30 is definitely sleeping in. I wanted to get to CUB early before the chaos began, and then set home to cook and spend the rest of my day relaxing. No...