Thoughts on Sept. 11...
So I was just thinking about where i was on Sept. 11 th . It's hard to believe that it's already been 6 years. That day I was out running around Lake Como, training for a marathon. It was such a peaceful morning, quiet, and eerily silent. Maybe everyone else knew what was happening, and I was oblivious? I believe I was in a fight with a friend, so I was probably thinking about that and all the ramifications . As I made my way home I had no idea what was going on outside my little world. I took a shower and as I was putting on my makeup in front of the TV , reports were coming in about a plane hitting the first Twin Tower. Looking back I really just thought it was a pilot error and felt bad for all the people that died. Then, I watched as the second plane hit the tower. At that point it hit me what was going on, and I even remember saying out loud , "I think this is on purpose". I don't know if I was really in shock or disbelief , but as I watched the News pro...