
Showing posts from January 23, 2010

Amazing Women!

I spend a lot of time on my blog talking about ME! Yep, lil' ol' egocentric moi! So today I am going to do a shout out to some very special ladies... I hope you stop by their blogs and say hi! The first one is an amazing lady name Susan . I heard about her and her story through my friend Beth. Sue is Beth's cousin, has gone through some difficult times with cancer. She recently had surgery... and it wasn't an easy one. She had to have cancer removed from her sinus cavity in her face. Please stop by and say hello to her here ! She could use some "company" and happy wishes\prayers during her recovery! :) The second lady is my blogging pal Michelle . I "met" her through Tuesday's with Dorie. Last year she sent me an AWESOME Christmas care package! Recently, she was deployed to Iraq to serve our country... only to find out... she was pregnant! Now she is back home, still serving in active military duty and living far away from her hubby who is servin