The One Where Sabrina Almost LOST Her Blog
So at work when i am bored, I like to play around on my blog. Today was no exception. I like to experiment with new templates so I can have the coolest blog ever, and every one will like me more because i get my validation from my blog so i can have a stylish blog. I was a bit more daring then usual when i found a blog template i really really liked. I downloaded it and viola, it looked something like this: I was so excited to see my new blog in action! Except there was one thing wrong with it: All my info\posts\pictures\links\EVERYTHING was gone! Poof! I almost had a mini panic attack... Nothing was working and I literally almost started to cry. At that moment i realized that i needed to get a life and stop being so enmeshed/addicted/stage 5 clinger with my blog. Actually at that moment i did everything I could to bring it back because I am enmeshed/addicted/stage 5 clinger with my blog. I almost ran and found one of the tech guys to save me (even though blogging is not really allow...