
Showing posts from August 1, 2007

Little Blessings

There is an article today in the Mpls Star Tribune, about Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep, a volunteer photographer group that takes pictures of babies that have short lives. The article features my friends Chris & Heather Lee and their beautiful daughter Lainey Rose. You can read more about Lainey at the link "LRL" under my VIP's links. If you have a chance read the article from the Strib and please remember to keep the Lee family in your prayers!

She's Back!

Here I am. Back at work. It wasn't so bad going back. Although it was hard going to bed so early and getting up at 6:00am! I've been spoiled with being able to go to bed at 1:30am and getting up around 9:30am... but I am a highly adaptable species. There are piles and piles of magazines that need to be bar coded , and once that is done, I can read them! I am trying to be optimistic and thankful for all that I have. Because when I look at my life, I am blessed. So even though this isn't one of my most favorite jobs, I am blessed with work... Oh and the pie I made yesterday, turned out lovely and tasted wonderful. I brought over a few pieces to Kyle & Kelly's for one last hurrah with the cool kids. Kelly gave me a really nice cookbook, filled with recipes that I used to make when I worked in the Kitchen in NH! I'm so excited! Tonight I am going to make a banana cream pie... and then I am going to watch Rescue Me. For all my faithful readers, you know where i liv...