A Reprieve
Today is the last day of school, for the kids and for the staff. We all need a break, from each other mostly. A true benefit of working at a school is that you get these ridiculously awesome breaks. For two weeks I will be doing whatever my little heart desires. Okay maybe not WHATEVER, because if that were the case I would be on plane to Cambodia with my cousin Kelly. (I miss you already!) I will however be doing a lot of local activities, family gatherings, friendly competitions over Wii, reunions with old friends, and going to see Irving Berlin's White Christmas Holiday Show! There will also be sleeping in, reading (maybe I will finally read Harry Potter, maybe), cooking, baking and just taking a break. I want to spend as much time with my family and friends and also take time to breathe. But most importantly I want to really sit and reflect on what this time of year means. What is Christmas and the profound effect it has had on my life. I don't want it to pass by in a flurr...