Giraffes It is...
Giraffes are my favorite animal. They are graceful and friendly. I once watched a documentary about a giraffe preservation in Africa. They would roam around freely. The house on the preservation had big windows and while you ate your biscuits and drank your tea a giraffe would stick its head in the window and you could feed it. Giraffe's have long necks. They like to neck. Their coat is colorfully brown and tan and it is cooler than wearing zebra stripes. I don't like zebra stripes as much as i like giraffe squares. How cool is it that they are so mod they get squares. God is Mod. Be careful when you are around giraffes. They might not see you and trample you. They are really strong so they could potentially kick the crap out of you. I once had a frou frou drink and they put a plastic giraffe on my glass. I kept it. And now I have it in my animal menagerie. I always feel like Laura in The Glass Menagerie. Because my mom is desperate to marry me off, and my mom has lots of animals and I am weird. When boys come to my house to meet my parents I think they get scared. Or they call my family Hobbits. My ex boyfriend said that about my family once and they were all offended. My dad said when we broke up that he thought my ex bf was a know it all! and not in a good way. My ex bf was tall too like a giraffe. But he would never stick his head through a window to get fed. Although he did like fast food drive throughs. So actually he would stick his head out the window to get his food. I think that counts.
Thanks for taking my giraffe suggestion and turning it into an amazing giraffic post.