Why I am getting fired....

yeah well Kelly introduced me to this hot tranny mess of a blogger named Heather, I think I will call her H2 as to not get confused with Heather of the EO (who is also a fab blogger!)
Anyway H2 has like 5 gabillion blogs that i can't stop reading. Who is this girl? We are like cyber twins. We like all the same things!!! Every time i think, no i cant read anymore, I have to get back to work, well then darn it! there is another great post! Thanks a lot Heather. Please I beg you to check out her blogs, but don't shun me if you get fired.


I'm going to start a welfare program for my most devoted of blog readers. "Most devoted of blog readers," would be those who describe me with the highest praise (i.e., hot tranny mess).
I can't look! I'm already in over my head with bloggy reading.

And also I tagged you for something on my post today. Hope you don't mind :)

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