The One Where Sabrina Almost LOST Her Blog

So at work when i am bored, I like to play around on my blog. Today was no exception. I like to experiment with new templates so I can have the coolest blog ever, and every one will like me more because i get my validation from my blog so i can have a stylish blog.
I was a bit more daring then usual when i found a blog template i really really liked. I downloaded it and viola, it looked something like this:I was so excited to see my new blog in action! Except there was one thing wrong with it: All my info\posts\pictures\links\EVERYTHING was gone! Poof! I almost had a mini panic attack...
Nothing was working and I literally almost started to cry. At that moment i realized that i needed to get a life and stop being so enmeshed/addicted/stage 5 clinger with my blog. Actually at that moment i did everything I could to bring it back because I am enmeshed/addicted/stage 5 clinger with my blog. I almost ran and found one of the tech guys to save me (even though blogging is not really allowed at work, but why?) THANKFULLY, I was able to save my blog all on my own, and now I feel whole again.


joolee said…
Scary stuff Sabrina! I totally understand.....your blog is a part of you. The brain and heart part:) I still need someone to learn me on using that cross out technique......I just have this feeling I may be unable to blog without it once I get started.
Remember that time you gave me the tutorial on crossing things out... I lost the piece of paper...

Also. I love you and your blog. I will continue to validate you on your wonderfulness (even if I'm kind of dissapointed you couldn't switch to that totally rad template)
Well the truth is you are only as good as your blog. Boring blog=boring person.

BTW, here is how I cross stuff out. Typer it up in Word and then use the strike-through feature under font. Paste into blog. Now quit stealing all my ideas, people.
Nice Wedding Crasher reference. Megan calls me a motor-boating SOB!
Sabrina said…
Who do you think Wedding Crashers got their material from?
Sabrina said…
I believe Mr. SoS!

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