No shopping for a year?

After sitting down and looking at what i spent last year... i found that i spend so frivolously at times. And yet, I don't think anything of it, because it is just a lipgloss here, or a funky pair of socks there. What is $3 in the grand scheme of things? Actually it adds up to a lot! I try not to think that I buy into the whole consumerism thing, but I really do in little ways. Yes, I am good at shopping the clearance sections of Target, and I try to never spend full price on clothes and misc... it really is those darn little things that i purchase in a moment of weakness. So I was thinking about stopping and maybe taking a break from it. Ok, so stop freaking out, you will all get your stinkin' birthday presents! But I mean shopping for myself. However, shopping for others, making homemade items, freebies and bargains are all on the OK list.
Funny thing, on the front page of the Star Tribune there was an article all about No Shopping for a year, or really, not buying anything new for a year. People have made a pact not to buy one new thing this year, except for food, underwear, personal products and misc household supplies. They can still buy things, but not brand spankin' new. Sounds good to me! But even then, for me it's not about buying new, i mostly shop sales anyway, but it all goes back to those $3 mini purchases that add up for goodness sakes! Oh and this also includes fast food for me. I find that on most days, its quick and fast to get a cup of chili at Wendy's than it is to pack my own lunch. Or maybe just a burger at burger king once in awhile. What is $2.00 here and there? What is a subway sandwich or some chipoltle when i'm lazy... well it's a lot of money over a year! Yes, I went through my itemized bank statement just to see how much I spent last year on take-out.. and it added up well into the hundreds! It really does add up, and I had no idea until now. So this year will be fast-food take out free! The exception is eating out with friends, that is ok. But lattes and bagels and double decker taco's are off limits! I think this will also make a dent in my debt reduction and my waist line!
Well ok, I forgot one thing. When St. Patrick's day rolls around, I be slurping my Shamrock Shake at McDon's... That I will not say NO to!


I thought about doing this too, especially now with a house about to fill up with baby stuff.Maybe you can make your own make-up and I know you can sew...go for it!
K and/or K said…
All I can think of is thank god you have Make Up Alley to rationalize that habit! :-) Love your thoughts (you KNOW you are speaking my language of living the simple life), but will I still get dinks?
Sabrina said…
Dinks, will never go out of style!
Thanks, I already have one.

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