There ain't no party like a Natasha party!

As per request of my father's sister's daughter, I am blogging about America's Next Top Model. Last night was the first elimination of this cycle. (cover your eyes, spoiler alert!) Mila went home! And unfortunately, on my elimination pick list I had picked Mila as going home later in the show! Kelly leads with the most points, followed by Kyle and then yours truly! But I will make my comeback cause Kyle can't pick models worth a crap! One other noteworthy point is that all the models this cycle are just s0-s0. There are definitely no Natashas this time. Long live the Russian mail order bride! Meow!

BTW, I did my good deed today, by picking up 3 nails in the CUB foods parking lot. I have had the misfortune of having a nail in my tire on more than one occasion. So I just didn't want that to happen to anyone else.

Tonight my father's sister's daughter and my father's sister's daughter's husband are having me over for a little Office party! Vlach on!


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