And then there was light...

So after 3 days with no electricity, the power came back on! I can only live in darkness for so long. Yes, it does give me a chance to be away from tv and Internet. But after awhile the milk starts to spoil and I get sick of stumbling around in the dark trying to find my bed. The light is a welcome change to the darkness. And I guess that also goes for a lot of things in my life. Letting go of the dark and walking into the light.

"I am not what I ought to be. I am not what I want to be. I am not what I hope to be. But still, I am not what I used to be. And by the grace of God, I am what I am." -- John Newton

I took the day off of work today. I wanted to just have a day to get stuff done and get some needed sleep this morning. I was over at the Vlachsters last night for some delicious Thai Tomato Soup & Grilled Cheese sandwiches. Oh dear, I love good food, but I love the company more. It is the simple pleasures in life...

When I got home last night, the onset of what looked like a big storm was on its way. I stumbled around, lit some candles and did some reading. My dear friend Sarah called and we had such a nice conversation. What have I done to blessed with such a sweet friend! And not just Sarah, but ooodles and ooodles of amazing friends. Actually, looking at my day yesterday, I had some really encouraging messages and conversations. Rachel, Bonnie, Tabitha, Paula, Shannon, Jeanelle, Megan, Ellen, Sarah, Mom, Lori, Kelly, Kyle and a Partridge in a Pear Tree... how does a girl get so lucky!

Tonight I am off to meet up with Michelle, for a shopping extravaganza at Macy's and dinner w\ a half priced bottle of wine at our favorite place; Sawatdee... Thai it, you'll like it!

Michelle just got back from Israel\Palestine and I can't wait to hear all about her adventures!

On a side note, I had to use up some of my food that was surely going to go bad this weekend. One of the things i made was, Spicy Shrimp with Ginger Coconut Rice. Meowrific!!!


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