We got an early Christmas present this year, with the arrival of a certain little baby who came 6 weeks early!

Deacon Elliott Singer-Towns
Born: December 17, at 8:29am
5lbs 10oz 18in

On December 7th my water broke! Being only 32 weeks at the time, it was very scary. Once we were at the hospital I was put on immediate hospital bed rest. They said that most likely I would go into labor within 72 hours. But if I didn't, they wanted me to try and hold out until I was 34 weeks. So for 10 days I rested and waited and prayed that little baby would hold tight. The doctors and nurses were always so surprised when at the end of the day there were still no signs of labor! As soon as I hit 34 weeks they had me set up to have a c-section since baby was transverse (sideways). Although right before they started the surgery they did an ultrasound and he had dropped head down! But at that point we just all agreed it was best to proceed with surgery. 
Very quickly Deacon was born and he was a Rock Star! Because he was breathing on his own and weighed a good amount he didn't have to go to the NICU but to a Special Care Nursery instead. Praise God, he is doing so well! We aren't sure how long he'll have to stay in the hospital, the last big hurdle is he needs to learn how to eat on his own without a feeding tube. We of course hope he could be home by Christmas, but maybe a week or so after that.... I'm just so thankful he is doing so well!!!! He is a very sweet and content baby. We are smitten!! 


he is beautiful!!! congratulations!!! merry christmas to you and your family!
vmichelle said…
Sigh. He is just gorgeous! I've been getting the baby jones again (teehee). Drink it all in. Hope he's home by Christmas!
erin said…
Una says Deacon looks tired and should rest! He's so cute! We are so happy all is healthy with the new edition to the family. Big kisses to all! E+U
Brittany said…
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Deacon is absolutely beautiful and I love his name! So glad he and Momma are doing well. I bet you guys were very scared...but God obviously had a plan :). What a wonderful Christmas blessing!
Kristina P. said…
So beautiful! Has he tried to stab you yet? :)
Unknown said…
So so SO happy for you Sabrina! Best Christmas pressie ever!
Unknown said…
He's a beautiful baby. What a scary time, but such a beautiful little miracle.

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