Pillsbury to the Rescue!

Now that the baby is almost 6 weeks old and my hubby is back to work (he's teaching summer school), it's time to start cooking. We had many delivered meals by friends & family that were so sublime. But sooner or later you have to get off the couch and feed your family. Now in a perfect world i would only be making organic, free range, grass fed & natural foods. And for the most part we buy organic fruits and veggies and we try to not buy processed foods. But there are days when I have only a few minutes to quickly throw together a meal. This is where Pillsbury.com comes in. They have this great website with lots of quick and easy recipes and they will even put together a shopping list for you. So far I have made a handful of meals that were quick, easy and pretty tasty. Well this is what I have been doing. Making easy meals and living the dream.

And let me tell you, those lemon bars were the best lemon bars we had ever eaten!!!! YUM!
Happy Friday!


Rachel said…
Good for you for already starting to cook! I think it took me much longer to start up again! I book marked that site and can't wait to try some new recipes!
very married said…
i love the stuff that pillsbury makes! yum.

btw, it WAS a crib you spied in the inspiration board - however, it wasn't MY inspiration board. I just found it on the internet and liked it. :) no babies on the way yet!
Stephanie Faris said…
YUMMM. All of those sound yummy. I'm looking up the quesadilla recipe now!

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