Happy Valentine's Day!

Hope you all have a swell Valentine's Day. Our night will be pretty low key. I think we'll go grocery shopping and I'll pick out a really pretty bouquet of flowers for my husband to get me. Or maybe he'll make me go wait in the car and he'll pick one? I don't mind either way, I just like fresh flowers.
There might even be a heart shaped pizza thrown in the mix for dinner!
Happy Valentine's Day!


very married said…
i do too! i think we're going to hit up the flower stands tomorrow though - hopefully the left overs will be on sale.

Happy Valentine's Day! That deer is adorable.
vmichelle said…
I love vintage valentines! Happy Valentine's Day to you Sabrina! I'm sure it's going to be a special one.
Kristina P. said…
That seriously sounds perfect.
The Blonde Duck said…
I hope you had a delicious and lovely V-day!
kel said…
Hope you had a great Valentines!!! Love the deer!

A Hesitant Housewife

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