I'm Chuck Bass


Kristina P. said…
That's all you have to say.

And I must also say that I am so over Chuch and Blair possibly getting together, hating each other, having sex, hating each other again, etc. I'M OVER IT!!!
K and/or K said…
I am so NOT over it! In fact it is all I can think about.

More C and less N please!
Heidi said…
Should I be worried that I haven't got a clue?
Peggy said…
He looks like Pete Wenz in this picture.
Anonymous said…
I do not find Chuck attractive.
I am so sad that I have no idea what the drama is. If writing weren't so much fun (which is what I've been holed up doing for the past six months instead of watching GG), then I'd be all up in this.

I'm such a loser and now I need to go re-order my Netflix queue so I can catch up on the GG stuff.

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