Good Advice
Read in Elle Magazine May 09' issue:
Dear E. Jean:
What should I have in my bag when I'm going out and thinking I may spend the night with a guy?
E. Jean:
I always carry fuzzy slippers, binoculars, and a copy of The Brothers Karamazov, a box of triscuits, and a slingshot.
I heart E. Jean who writes for Elle Magazine. Her advice is always truthful, helpful and strait forward.
Now I'm not advocating for one night stands. Nope! Never! But if I had to pick a few things to pack in an overnight bag, I would have to have:
a pencil sharpener
3-d glasses
left over chicken salad
a copy of Dressing your Pet for Dummies
trick gum that turned your tongue black
A Pee-Wee Herman Doll
What would you pack?
And coffee for the morning.
A yo-yo
An extra pair of socks
A calendar
A pellet gun
Fun night, eh?