32 is the New 5!

Believe it or not, this picture was actually taken of me when I got up this morning. I swear I age in reverse! Just call me Benjamin Button.


Kristina P. said…
You look so young and vibrant! Happy birthday, Sabrina!
Lori said…
Happy Happy Birthday Sabrina!!!!
Have a great day and I'll see you tomorrow for the fam celebration:-)
I love you, Auntie Lori
Erin said…
What a cute smile. Happy birthday Sabrina!
K and/or K said…
Happy bang day, I mean birthday!!!!!!!!!

Looking forward to the many celebrations I will be attending in your honor!
Rachel said…
Happy birthday bff... i love ya
Shelby said…
Happy Birthday Sabrina!
Heidi said…
What a beautiful girl!
Gracie said…
Tee hee. I like either age. :)
Debra Owen said…
Happy Birthday! I found you through K and K at Vlachster. Nice blog.
Danielle said…
lol happy birthday!
3 Bay B Chicks said…
The aging process has been good to you. However, I think we might need to spend a little time focusing on your fashion sense. Just not sure if the embroidered dresses are all the rage anymore for ladies our age. :)

I see that you also write for Life is a Highway. I love that blog! Thanks for your ever insightful and thought-provoking posts.

3 Bay B Chicks said…

I forgot to wish you a very happy birthday!
That is the cutest thing I've ever seen. Oh, Sabrina...LOOK at you. Love it.

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