TWD~Grandma’s All-Occasion Sugar Cookies

Just to clarify, this is not my Grandma's sugar cookie recipe. This is Dorie's Grandma's Sugar Cookie recipe. This is a great recipe. Taste just like store bought sugar cookies. mmmmm.
Anyway, I had fun with these. I made cookie cutter shapes and then circle ones. All using the icing, sprinkles and glitter gel from a recent care package from my aunt Lori. Thanks Auntie Lori!

What is better than making your own icing, well using Wilton's finest. I really love their stuff. I used to take cake decorating classes at my local Micheal's craft store. There I would spend ooodles of my dollars on cake decorating equipment to make a cake that looked like this:

and this:

And funnily enough, when i made that cake I ended up giving it to a girl for her birthday, who not too long after that my then boyfriend would end up marrying. So she really did get to have her cake and eat it too. See, I can joke about it now, so it's all good.
Back to the sugar cookies. They were super easy to make, but I had to watch them carefully so they didn't brown around the edges. Oh and if you think that people don't secretly envy our TWD cool club, oh they are out there. Including my friend Megan who is so insanely jealous that she created her own TWD... you can read about it here.
Happy Baking.


joolee said…
Beautiful cakes! I've always wondered if that smooth kind of frosting tastes any good?

You're so totally rubbing your cake decorating skillz in my face right now, aren't you?

Don't forget......our birthdays are next month.......;)
Erin said…
So pretty! And I'm sure yummy too. I don't have any treats in my house right now. What is wrong with me?!?
K and/or K said…
Are those cookies coming to my party??? I hope so--they look tubular!

Now I am going to go ax my mom where MY care package is?!?

News flash, it's still Monday. Call it MWD.
Jules Someone said…
That's some serious cookie decoration! Nice job!
Kristina P. said…
OK, you would definitely be invited to my cookie party. I am eating cookies still. Yay me! Not yay my waistline.
vibi said…
Woahhhh! You went all out on the decorations, Sabrina! I'm sure you made plenty of eyes sparkle with those! Very, very festive!
Shelby said…
lol, your so cute (about the girl having her cake and eating it too! he he).

I almost bought some of that glitter gel but then decided to make homemade glaze instead. Your cookies are so colorful! Great job!
Lori said…
FYI- K and/or K....your care package is being hand delivered on Sunday:-)
Yummorammo looking cookies Sabrina!
Danielle said…
Your cookies look great!
Melissa said…
I took the same cake decorating classes! Your cookies look great!
AmyRuth said…
Fun and festive cookies for the holiday season. I love all the colors. Thought these were super easy cookies. Glad you had fun and thanks so much for stopping by at such a busy time of year. Have a wonderful Christmas
Amanda said…
Those turned out beautiful! I agree, a wonderful recipe I will most definitely make again :)
kimberly salem said…
such pretty cookies and cakes! glad you liked the recipe :) guess you'll never be making a cake for that girl again ;)
Your cookies look spectacular! Great job! The cakes are beautiful too.
Flourchild said…
You are a excellent decorater! I love your cookies. How sweet you took the time to decorate them so pretty!
Peggy said…
They are so cute and colorful! Thanks for stopping by my blog this morning for a visit. :) I wish I had felt better and could have made these. There's always next week.
Heidi said…
Probably everyone says this but I just can't come here what with my wheat and sugar addiction. Beautiful pics!
Angela Nazworth said…
Beautiful cakes and the cookies look scrumptious!
Anonymous said…
I guess the old saying is true... a way to a man's heart really IS through his stomach! Your cakes and cookies look amazing!

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