Would you like to swing on a star....

I woke up singing that song. Remember that show from the 80's, Out of This World? I woke up singing the theme song. Maybe because there are moments when I would like to freeze time like alien Evie Ethel Garland did. This past week i think having freeze power would've come in quite handy.
Really though wouldn't you get bored with that power? What could you do besides push people over and steal things?
If I could have a super power I would erase people's memories. That way whenever i said something inappropriate or weird or potentially offensive, I could just rewind and erase! Viola!
What would be your super power of choice?


Kristina P. said…
Wow, what a time warp! I had completely forgotten about that show!
It's a good song but dumb show...see you on Saturday!
Erin said…
Sometimes I wish I could have the ability to not sleep so I could get more done.

Then I realize that I wouldn't want to DO so much. I like sleep too much!
Danielle said…
I tend to have the song from the Greatest American hero stuck in my head Go fig!!

I would love to be invisible the fun I could have!
K and/or K said…
I want to fly. To beaches. Every weekend. You can ride on my back. Is that creepy? Well, you know what I mean...
a Tonggu Momma said…
I actually had this conversation on Sunday because I met CC for the first time. (Her blog is called If Only I Had Super Powers.) I originally thought that teleportation sounded grand, but then yours sounds pretty good, too. Hmmm....
Rachel said…
I actually had to sing that song for glee club in the fourth grade...can we say DORK? I used to love that show...ahh, this post brings back memories. As for super powers...plain old sleep would be nice...and would be considered a super power in this household...since none of us do it.

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