Taco Tuesday

Now I know last night wasn't Tuesday, but whenever there is tacos to be had, I'm calling it Taco Tuesday. It's an inside joke I have with my brother. If you didn't already know, my darling brother Buddy has the "Downs" as we call it in our family. Or I guess you could say he has Down's Syndrome, although when he was born the doctors called him a "Mongoloid". Bad, but we have been known to tease him about that. Anyway, Buddy often goes to activities with his friends, and one of the activities is called Taco Tuesdays, where they play UNO and eat, but what else, Tacos.
My favorite thing to say to the Budster is, So what did you eat at TACO Tuesday? Lasagna?
No Sabrina! Tacos!
And then I will say it again, So what did you eat at TACO Tuesday? Pizza?
We go on like this until either:
a) buddy doesn't think its funny anymore
b) I'm laughing too hard to go on.
My parents have a joke (truth) that between the two us they have a hard time keeping track of which of their kids has the disability!
Well back to Tacos. Last night i met my co-workers, Rachel & Janine at Picosa in St. Anthony Main. They had fab happy hour specials that included, $1 Tacos and great 2 for 1s! We sat outside, by the river, having plenty o' laughs. Yay Tacos!


Why did the doctors think Buddy was from Mongolia?
Sabrina said…
Back in the day, before they used PC terms like Down's Syndrome. They used to call DS people Mongoloids, because their features resembled those of the Mongolian people. How bad is that!
The doctors at Buddy's birth immediatly suggested to my mom that putting him in and institution would be a smart move. And this was 1980!! Good thing I was only 3 and couldn't talk back, or the gloves would've been off! SMACK DOWN!
Buddy is far more polite and better with Nori than you, you know...
okay, I'm giggling like crazy right now. I love you! I do know about the term 'mongoloids' I was just trying to beat Kelly to the joke about mongolia...
I'm not making fun of your explanation though, you're too sweet!
Sabrina said…
Well i just thought i had better clarify for everyone.
P.S. Kelly doesn't comment on my blog anymore. She's way too cool for that now.
I've noticed the non-commenting. Maybe we're not writing anything comment-worthy anymore. But what about these other cool people commenting? Maybe she's confused...

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