Ped Egg Scares Me

Have you seen the commercial for the Ped Egg? That little device that you hold in the palm of your hand that scrapes away the dead skin on your feet? I'm sorry but that thing gives me the he-be je-bees. I'm not sure if its the thought of scraping skin off, which reminds me of grating cheese or the commercials where the lady dumps about a cup of dead skin into her garbage can. I think i just threw up in my mouth.

And yet I am mildly intrigued and I might just have to try it sometime. Conundrum.


Newsflash: this concept has been around for years. My mom used to have her own blue grater from K-mart although it did not catch the skin hence we would have lots of hard dried skin chunks on the floor.
I KNOW!!! I saw it once when I was up in the night with Asher and in my sleep-deprived stupor I actually thought I might need one. Gross. Maybe if they didn't show the garbage part (AAAAH), it would me more appeeling. Get it? The mis-spelling there? Huh, huh.
jodilee0123 said…
Maybe you could buy one on ebay. . .imagine getting one that is already full of somebody else's skin. . . . eeeewwwwwww!!
joolee said…
OK. No joke....I just took a razor blade to my cracked heels a few hours ago! I've almost perfected the art of callus removing with a straight razor.....I usually need just one band-aid. I'm not saying they're the softest heels you've ever felt, but it keeps me from getting too tall. And again, no joke, I was seriously tempted to take a picture of all those dead skin chunks. Unfortunately, I didn't.

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