My Name is NOT Samantha!

I have this small problem. Well it's not really my problem, its other people's problem that become mine! When people first meet me or they cant remember my name or think they remembered my name but really didn't, they call me Samantha! My whole life I have been Samantha. I know it is somewhat similar to Sabrina but really its not even that close. I could see if people messed up and called me Serena or Selina or even Sabena... but Samantha. It happens on a pretty consistent basis that i am thinking about getting a T-shirt or bumper sticker that says, My name is not Samantha. Although, that might be a cool name for a band.
I know other people have had similar name debacles. please share...


My old neihgbor Chuck used to call me Becca.
K and/or K said…
Kyle is consistently called TODD! How? I am baffled every time it happens, which is A LOT! So strange...listen closely people!
Bonnie said…
people used to ALWAYS call me bethany--not sure why...i know 'bonnie' is not so common, but it is pretty far off!
Holly. I guess it starts with an H.
Look at it this way, Samantha. "Who's the Boss" and "Bewitched." Both very hot...
jaime said…
My dad always calls me "BFS" (big fat slut)... He pronounces it biffis. That's not even close to "jaime".
Gracie said…
Um, so I feel your pain. My whole life (well, college on) people have called me Diane. Like, reading my name off the roster, big ol professors with lots of letters after THEIR name read DIANA as Diane?? (And I could go into the story of how my friend Christine attended the same college and people started adding -a to the end of her name. I was Diane, she was Christina? Please people!!)
Tell me, please, HOW does that happen? And yes, I'll introduce myself, even with a slight emphasis on the -A, b/c I'm aware of this particular audio deficiency in the current world, and people STILL repeat it as Diane. Diane is a fine name, but it's NOT MINE. So, um, yeah, not bitter. Really. I just can identify. That's it. Sorry for rambling Samantha.
(Sooooo j/k.) You are such a Sabrina!!! I'm a name defender so if I'm around you and notice someone, have no fear, I will politely, but firmly correct them. I'm for you!
(But should I be in therapy given the link of this comment? Seriously, sorry for the big ol sermon!)
joolee said…
Someone ALWAYS thinks our Josie is named Sophie.....really our LAST name is Sopha! I always wondered if I could get away with naming a girl Sophie Sopha....looks as if I might as well have.

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