Here comes the bride...

What a whirlwind weekend! That pretty much sums it up. A big twirly whirly whirlwind. I arrived in San Antonio just before midnight on Thursday night. Liz's fiancé Stephen picked me up from the airport, and we hit it off immediately. You never know with meeting someone for the first time, but he is a great guy. I arrived at Liz' place as everyone was just leaving from her personal shower. Her two bridesmaids Amanda & Melanie were the only ones left and immediately the 4 of us went to work putting together the final touches of the wedding. I finished making Liz's veil as the other girls put together the table arrangements and place cards. Liz and I also did a dry run on the flower arrangements. We all ended up staying up until 5:30 am! We slept for about two hours and then got up for our nail appointment. I think we spent most of the day in a fog. Going from nails to the hotel to the rehearsal and then the rehearsal dinner. And then my camera battery pack died! To not be able to document your friends wedding is sad! Thankfully the photographer Olivia is also a friend of mine from our china days, so she said she would hook me up with some wedding photos!The rehearsal and the dinner were fun and the food was delish! Tex-Mex fajitas! And lots of Guacamole! The place they had the dinner was gorgeous and tre chic! And this is when my camera died. :(
After that we went back to the hotel to crash and get some sleep before the big day. The day of the wedding it was forecasted to rain and yet... it held off. We prayed a lot!!!
It was a beautiful day, although busy right up until the wedding. I was the mistress of ceremonies so I made sure everyone walked down the isle when they were supposed to... and it was really sweet to be with Liz right before she walked down the isle. She was a beautiful bride. The ceremony was happy and joyous, and I read some scriptures from the Psalms and some of Liz's friends sang, The Andre Bocelli's song The Prayer in English and Italian! It sounded like angels were singing!
The reception were great and special and all things fancy and elegant. We rode in on one of the riverboats to the hotel where the reception was at, and Liz uncle Gino sang to them with an Italian love song! At the reception, we ate and ate and danced and had a ton of fun!
Sunday, I spent walking around San Antonio seeing the sights eating OUTSIDE on the river! What a treat. Flowers really bloom this time of year? I was so happy to see living flowers! I will write more about this when I get my pictures developed. I had to succumb to buying a disposable camera! Soooo it was a fun\crazy\busy\WARM weekend! Too bad it went by so quickly! I also caught some sort of bug\cold thing so I am really wiped out and must lie down. But this will not be the last you've heard from me! :)


K and/or K said…
I am so jealous you were in warmth--and even more happy for you! The next time you fly somewhere I'm going with! Well...actually I am! :-)
Sabrina said…
You will fly to AZ and I will go to somewhere warm with lulu and the budster! then its vegas!
K and/or K said…
I can't keep them straight i'm so busy "escaping" in my mind every day!

So you made that veil? You've got mad skills!
Sabrina said…
Oh the things you can do with a hot glue gun!
For now I'll just look at the flowers on my dish towels and live vicariously through you and your trip to see real ones.
So glad you had a good time, lady. Sorry 'bout the cold/flu thing. Puke...hopefully not literally. I've heard the best remedy is watching all seasons of Felicity while eating hot pockets.
Want to see photo of Sabro!
jodilee0123 said…
Stay home and watch all the adoption episodes from the Hallmark website. You will cry out all of your sickness! :0) I am longing for some warm weather. . .but, everytime I fly, I get sick. I'll pass on the sickness. . . hope you feel better soon!!
Sabrina said…
Thanks for the well wishes everyone!
Oooh I love Felicity! But I will pass on the Hotpockets!

M: Pictures of me? no no no!

J: I wish i could stay home and watch adoption hallmark! :)

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