
Believe it or not, i have been out of words the past few days... but i have been thinking a lot and processing for me leaves me rather introspective to say the least. So this is really strange, but I don't know what to write about. I do have a sports related blog post in the works, but that is in development phase. So in the mean time, any suggestions on what to write about? I'll write about anything I am so desperate. I think this means I have writers block. Ouch.
Ok, I am back from lunch... and I had a few thoughts, but are they writeable? I don't know. I have been having a series of dreams all about the same person, but different situations. Last night in my dream I asked this person if they would consider running away with me, and they said, NO. But they also said that one of these days I will need to learn that running away will never solve the problems at hand. It is by staying and facing these problems that I will become the best version of myself. What? I mean I get it, I really do, but why the need to have these things brought to light in a dream. Can't i just dream about unicorns and cupcakes? It seems like the most profound moments I've had lately are happening in my dreams. You would think with all the over-thinking I do in a day, that I would have dreams about graph paper. Good Grief!
By the way, I am not really going to run away, but the thought does cross my mind every now and then... I didn't know i was even thinking about it, until I said today, What if I moved to San Antonio? And then I realized, that sub-consciously i HAVE been thinking about going far away. Why though? Life is good, I can't complain... but there are things of the heart that I am learning take a very long time to heal. I guess that is all part of growth, you need the time to heal and learn the lessons you need to learn before completely reaching the point when you are finally whole again. But sometimes running away seems more fun.
Hmmm... looks like I had a few things to say after all.


K and/or K said…
family secrets!!! false! you would be shunned!
Sabrina said…
That does not help me at all Katie! Suri would have a better answer!
K and/or K said…
whatev's--you know that is enough for a novel turned into screenplay turned into a vlachbuster hit!
Anonymous said…
oooh, i wanna hear about the family secrets! you could also write about hot country music stars again. although i actually don't think trace is that hot....
Sabrina said…
you're right nellen, he is not so much hot as he is rugged and manly!
Gracie said…
s-I love dreams. I figure God helps me work out tons of stuff in my dreams. In fact, often, I learn things b/c of dreams that I need to pay attn to. Do u remember my dream from the reunion a few years ago, about DS? The one I recall was almost completely true. It's crazy.
But the truth is, sometimes, it's just bad pizza, or something. :-)

My journey is to ask God, "okay, what's important about what I remember?" and then go from there!
Gracie said…
oh, and, u should run away to here :-)
San Antonio...all that warm weatha, it's so overrated. :-)

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