Settling In

I can't believe I have been in my apartment for almost one year now. When I moved in, I thought I would only be there maybe 3 months tops, and then I was going to buy a house. Well the house didn't happen, and I'm actually very glad. My little home has been a place of solace this past year. A cozy, quiet place to go to at the end of a long day. Sweet relief! I really don't want to move anytime soon, because it is one of my least favorite things! Over the past four years I have moved 4 times! Let me tell you, moving stresses me out! Actually, I was reading an article about top life stressors. And in this article they list, moving, starting a new job and loss of a loved one, as some of the most stressful things in life. Looking back over my year, the first part of the year I experienced all three events. Within four months, I moved, lost someone i loved, and I started a new job! It was indeed a very stressful time! However, I have spent the last part of this year, learning to "settle in". Settling into a life as a single person, settling into my home and my job. And really, learning to find peace and contentment in the little things, the ordinary moments. Sometimes big changes in life can stress you out and sometimes they are the motivators for real personal change. I am not who I was a year ago, and thank God for that! I really did not like who I was, mostly unhappy and disengaged from the world. Now, I am overcommited (in a good way!) and joyful most days... I am blessed, that is no cliche, I really really really am! I have been wanting to settle down for a long time now, I just realized, that is exactly what I have been doing! Funny how that happens!


So deep. You are the epitome of Zen, you know.
I just figured out another reason why I feel like I've known you a long time - I went through the exact thing not too many years back. Maybe you're about to meet your "Ryan?" Meow.
Sabrina said…
and maybe i already have! :)
K and/or K said…
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K and/or K said…
when is the mixer?!?!?!?!?

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