The Bed.

Today I am spending the day giving my place a much needed cleaning. Dust bunnies have taken over and they are multiplying, and i thought only live bunnies had littlens' like mad rabbits. My cleaning techniques are funny. I don't set to a task, go hard or go home until it is done. I am more of a leisurely cleaner. I am like that with a lot of things in my life, namely because I am not the most ambitious person in the world, and I like to take my time. So cleaning starts at 0ne end of my home, sweeping here, organizing there, and then I sit and watch some food network television. Then I get up and move to another room, do as much cleaning as i feel like, then I head back to the couch and watch a movie. That is cleaning day for me. I do eventually get the whole place clean, but it may take all day, where as another person it might take an hour. But that is me, take me as I am.
As I was straitening my bedroom and making my bed, I thought about something Kelly was saying the other night. Basically, how as children and teenagers our beds are our central piece of furniture. There we do everything! Read, play, watch tv, do our homework, talk on the phone, and of course sit with all your friends. Your bed is your personal mecca of everyday life. We were saying that imagine now, if you went over to a friends house and they took you strait to their room, closed the door and you flopped down on their bed and shared your deepest and most appalling secrets? It just doesn't happen. Even when I am alone I only use my bed for sleeping and maybe reading right before sleep. It is funny how when you upgrade to couches and chairs, the bed loses its #1 spot for living and socializing. However, my bed has not lost the #1 spot in my heart, as far as furniture goes, no other place in my home is as kind and forgiving as my bed, all nice and cozy, inviting me in each night to sleep and dream and put the long day behind me. Ahhhhh.....

Last night i saw the movie Atonement with Ellen. I had started to read the book before the movie came out, but during the Christmas season I had put is aside. I'm glad I only read the first chapter, because I was very surprised at how the movie ended. Atonement was beautiful and sad at the same time. I would definitely recommend it to see, then read the book.
Well off i go to clean some more, only my kitchen remains, and dauntingly, that is the grungiest room in my place, next to my bathroom, which ooops, I guess I have to clean that too and this is a really long run-on sentence. Happy Almost New Year.


"the bed" looks clean. So does the room around it. Good job. I clean here and there all day too. Except it takes more like four days because I'm SO distractable. Oh well. Some part of it is always clean I guess :)
K and/or K said…
i putz and tinker to the point that kyle prefers to clean in his fast and orderly fashion. is that my secret ploy? he he.

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