To Ellen on her Halloween Birthday...

Happy Halloween. Not only is it Halloween but it is also Ellen's (Elbow, Elle, Nellen) Birthday! A couple of us kooky girls met Ellen at Axel's Bonfire on Grand Ave... Something must have been in the punch, (or the margarita's) cause we were one giddy and goofy group. Of course it was Halloween, so maybe there was something in the air?
We had fun, celebrating Ellen and her life. Megan sang for us, and some of the girls had fun taking pictures with my camera of their naughty bits... but I won't name names, and I'm way too classy to post any pictures of that variety! Oooh they are cheeky girls! But I love them all!
We had a beautiful time celebrating Ellen and her life. Happy Birthday Ellen! And to top off the night, we discovered the many ways you can wear a scarf. Ellen was the Model Du Jour... and she was oh so inspiring! Could she be America's Next Top Model? This was WAY better than watching ANTM! Oh yeah... WAY better!


OMG, I made the blog! Hooray! Thanks for the dink and drink!
K and/or K said…
dink madness is spreading? love it! and love the ESPN scarf!

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