something strange

If you have never have used I would highly recommend it! The premise is that you send a letter to yourself into the future. It is really fun, especially if some time has passed and you find yourself in a different place then you were before. Such is the case of a FutureMe e-mail I received today! And today of all days! All my friends know why today is significant so I won't get into it... Anyway, I am in utter shock over this e-mail from the past! Almost everything in my life is different then where i was a year ago! I really challenged myself to hopefully to be living a better and more fulfilling life. And really, I am! I am not who I was, and I am in a much better place then before. Overall this has been a pretty good year, with one really crappy thing that happened. But if that crappy event didn't happen, I wouldn't be where I am at now. So everything worked out as it was supposed to. Now I will go send myself another future e-mail to this time next year... and I am anticipating a even better life this time next year! I am living my destiny...


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