Let's Gorge!

A fun night of food, friends, fun and more food! Tabitha hosted us at her place and served up some delicious lasagna with Italian Sausage and 2 lbs of cheese! whooo wheee! We gorged ourselves and thankfully Tabs made a full pan, and cute little one too. Then if that wasn't enough, I was ambitious and i made a pie. The same pie that I helped Kelly make this past weekend; Cinnamon Struesel Topped Pumpkin Pie. We gorged on that too. Tabitha also has a cute little bunny named Twitch, that is just a bundle of energy!

Paula digesting her food...
Bonnie, what's wrong with your finger????

Bonnie & Tabitha enjoying conversation, tea & pie...

Bonnie, Tabitha & Paula so happy together...
Amazingly wonderful lasagna! Yummy pumpkin pie (and I don't even like pumpkin pie!)


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